- Description
Experience the origin story of Fire Fist Ace, the legendary older brother of Straw Hat Luffy, in this exciting manga by renowned artist Boichi! Adventure along with Ace as he gathers a loyal crew of like-minded buccaneers—including Masked Deuce, Mihal, Skull, and the wild Kotatsu, and forms the Spade Pirates. Witness the power of the Devil Fruit as it bestows Fire Fist’s fearsome punching power! Piratical feats abound as Ace and his Spade Pirates head toward the New World and the dreaded Captain Whitebeard. Don’t miss the bonus chapter featuring Straw Hat swordsman Zolo!
- Additional Information
Additional Information
SKU 9781974745876 EAN Code 9781974745876 SIZE No Scale No Grade No Series One Piece Brand Viz Media - Reviews