- Description
Embark on an enchanting journey through the captivating Honey Forest, where Rilakkuma and friends discover an extraordinary encounter with Chairoikoguma, aka Kogumachan. Amidst their whimsical escapades, they indulged in delectable honey and found themselves entangled in mischievous adventures. To forever cherish those treasured moments, Rilakkuma and the others departed from the forest, each adorned in the charming San-X Original Chairoikoguma Kigurumi Series, a delightful costume. Join the fascinating adventure as these beloved characters unite, donning their unique Chairoikoguma Kigurumi Series costumes. Made with the utmost care from high-quality materials, this enchanting Rilakkuma San-X Original Plush is surface-washable, making it easy to care for and maintain. This San-X Original plush makes for the perfect gift for just about any occasion.
Who is Rilakkuma?
This bear costume, known as Rilakkuma came out of nowhere and visited Kaoru’s house one day. Even now without plans, this costume hangs out at her place and disturbs her by not doing anything everyday but gives her some life advice occasionally. Rilakkuma’s favorite food is special sweets from local rice dumpling store and Rilakkuma’s weakness is summer season.
- Additional Information
Additional Information
SKU US10092 EAN Code 4974413800266 SIZE No Scale No Grade No Series Rilakkuma Brand San-X - Reviews